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Productos y Servicios Ofrecidos:
The company SGARRA SAVERIO & PAUL s.n.c. has a wide range of industrial and home sewing machines, new and used, iron and cut equipments, engines, guides and genuine spare parts of the following manufacturers: RIMOLDI, PFAFF, NECCHI, BROTHER, SIRUBA. Thanks to qualified staff and our experience trought years in this sector, we carry out repairs of sewing machines, panels and motors EFKA and FIR, iron and cut equipments, and so on.. Our qualified customer care service, the wide assortment of spare parts in warehouse will satisfy all of yours requirementses. Please contacs our sales office today to receive detailed informations about our services and our products.
Marcas Representadas:
The company SGARRA SAVERIO & PAUL s.n.c. has a wide range of industrial and home sewing machines, new and used, iron and cut equipments, engines, guides and genuine spare parts of the following manufacturers: RIMOLDI, PFAFF, NECCHI, BROTHER, SIRUBA. Thanks to qualified staff and our experience trought years in this sector, we carry out repairs of sewing machines, panels and motors EFKA and FIR, iron and cut equipments, and so on.. Our qualified customer care service, the wide assortment of spare parts in warehouse will satisfy all of yours requirementses. Please contacs our sales office today to receive detailed informations about our services and our products.
Información General:
0000 - 70031
andria /ITALIA, Brasil
Fax: () 0000
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